Intra-Plant Switching-A switching movement of cars loaded or empty, from one track to another track or between two points on the same track, within the same plant or industry without leaving the tracks of the same plant or industry.
Intra-Terminal Switching-A switching movement (other than intraplant switching) from one track to another track of the same carrier, within the switching limits of one station or industrial switching district.
Inter-Terminal Switching-A switching movement from a track of one carrier to a track of another carrier when both tracks and movements are within the switching limits of one station or industrial switching district.
Reciprocal Switching-A switching arrangement between two or more railroads at a terminal or point of interchange whereby they agree to switch cars for each other without making any charge therefore to the shipping public.
Storage Charge Switching Charge-A switching movement to access cars that are not first available from the place of storage due to the order that cars were received. Also referred to as “Cherry Picking.” Charge is per car moved to access the requested car or cars.
Setback-A switching movement removing one car from a track in order to access another car on the same track, then replacing the first car to the original track. A chargeable setback is when this switching movement is by order or convenience of a customer and not part of the normal line-haul.